Thursday, March 3, 2011

Written Pathetic Appeal

In my written pathetic appeal, I am trying to change my audience's attitude towards magazines retouching images through the use of Photoshop. An outrageously large majority of images in magazines have been retouched but, yet, it seems as though this fact does not penetrate the minds of society. As a result, retouched images are negatively affecting society's health, self-esteem, self-consciousness, and body satisfaction. The pathetic appeals within my written pathetic appeal include questions, my own emotions and feelings, and a fictional but plausible situation involving a young girl. With these appeals, I aim to evoke outrage and disgust in my audience. The interpretation that connects these emotions to a change in attitude is that magazines are deceiving and influencing society by retouching every image through the use of Photoshop.

View my written pathetic appeal here:

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